Want to get that great job, capture a cherished memory, celebrate a significant moment, or provide a truly special gift? Middleton Photography is here to support and assist you on your journey. We believe every moment counts in remembering the good times and significant milestones that shape our lives!
Choose one of my great portrait packages here!
Basic Package includes:
1 hour session
Time, equipment and lighting
Up to 2 locations of your choice**
1 wardrobe change**
Online gallery to select your photos
8 fully edited photos
Premium package includes:
2 hour session
Time, equipment and lighting
Up to 3 locations of your choice**
Up to 2 wardrobe changes**
Online gallery to select your photos
15 fully edited photos
Deluxe Package includes:
3 hour session
Time, equipment and lighting
Up to 4 locations of your choice**
Up to 3 wardrobe changes**
Online gallery to select your photos
25 fully edited photos
SUPER Deluxe Package includes:
4 hour session
Time, equipment and lighting
Up to 5 locations of your choice**
Up to 4 wardrobe changes**
Online gallery to select your photos
35 fully edited photos
All images from shoot in High Quality JPEG included
**Locations and wardrobe changes are subject to change depending on transit time between locations and time it takes to switch wardrobe
Packages above apply to individual portraits, grads and seniors, or prom photos
Arrivals more than 30 minutes late will result in a cancellation
72 hour notice must be given to reschedule or cancel for full refund of deposit. If cancelling within 72 hours you will receive a 50% refund on your deposit. If cancelling within 48 hours you will not receive a refund
Escorts, chaperones are welcome, but please limit the amount of tag-alongs to 3 people so as not to be disruptive during the shoot
MUA and stylists are welcome on set and are not provided by the photographer
If you are not hair and makeup ready by the start of the session time, the photographer will not be responsible for loss of session time
Add-ons are available for a 50.00 fee (ie. Champagne, flowers, or any other props that are desired for the session) you can also bring whatever props you want to the session